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【展览预告】11月3日“相遇”——英格&戈漠双个展 | 渡渡画廊开幕

2023-11-01 18:23:56 来源: 字体:

开幕时间:2023年11月03日 星期五 15:00


Friday November 3, 2023. 16:30



3rd Floor, Jinbao Place, 88 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District. Bejing

艺术家:英格 Inga Aru & 戈漠 Wolfgang Gramm


Inga Aru & Wolfgang Gramm

策展人:刘若望 LIU Ruowang


LIU Ruowang

策展助理:高杰 GAO Jie

Curatorial Assistant:




Dodo Gallery



NordArt International Contemporary Art Exhibition



Dodo Art Museum, Liu Ruowang Studio


  英格 (Inga Aru) 和戈漠 (Wolfgang Gramm) 将艺术作为表达和探索这些美好与体验的媒介,而多年来 NordArt 在放大这些邂逅与美好方面所发挥了作用,充分体现了艺术对艺术家及其受众所产生的深远影响。各种形式的艺术是超越语言和文化障碍的交流、表达和联系的手段。

  此次展出了英格 (Inga Aru) 的 5 件雕塑作品,8 件油画作品,戈漠 (Wolfgang Gramm) 的 19 件油画作品。英格的艺术具有一定的女性特征,也正是这种艺术的原创性和真实性才使得她的作品更加感人和引人瞩目,唤起自我审视的声音和身份认同。戈漠的作品有很强的叙事性、人文性和浪漫主义情怀。他的绘画作品常用抽象的语言,亮丽的颜色,传递出神秘但又响亮灿烂的思想世界。

  To encounter honorable individuals, discover rare and beautiful landscapes, have positive experiences, and gain clarity about oneself.

  Inga Aru and Wolfgang Gramm's use of art as a medium to express and explore desires and experiences, and NordArt's role in magnifying these encounters and beauties over the years, exemplify the profound impact that art can have on both artists and their audiences. Art, in its various forms, serves as a means of communication, expression, and connection that transcends language and cultural barriers.

  The exhibition featured five sculptures by Inga Aru, eight oil paintings, and 19 oil paintings by Wolfgang Gramm. Aru´s art is somewhat feminine. it is the originality and authenticity of this art that makes her work all the more touching and compelling, evoking a voice of self-examination and identity. Gramm’s works have a strong sense of narrative, humanity and romanticism. His paintings often use abstract language and bright colors to convey a mysterious but loud and brilliant world of ideas.


  Oil on canvas




  Oil on canvas




About the Artist


英格 Inga Aru

  1964 年出生于爱沙尼亚塔林。1985-1991 年,塔林美术学院绘画硕士。研究生学习平面艺术和艺术史。1993 年起旅居德国。她是一位艺术家和策展人。在欧洲、日本、韩国、中国和美国举办过多次展览。绘画作品被爱沙尼亚艺术博物馆、塔尔图艺术博物馆、爱沙尼亚艺术基金会等收藏。雕塑作品在中国、德国和捷克共和国的公园中展出。

  1964, in Tallinn, Estonia. 1985–1991, MA studies in painting, the Academy of Fine Arts, Tallinn. Post-graduate studies in graphic art and art history. Lives in Germany since 1993. She is an artist and curator. Numerous exhibitions through- out Europe, Japan, Korea, China and the USA. Paintings in collections at the Estonian Art Museum, Tartu Art Museum, Estonian Art Foundation and others. Sculptures in public parks in China, Germany and the Czech Republic.

戈漠 Wolfgang Gramm

  1952 年出生于德国吕贝克。1971-1983 年,在军队服役期间完成了工业和艺术领域的实践。1983-1984 年,经营管理画廊。1985-1996 年,担任班伯格博士之家和德国伦茨堡犹太博物馆馆长。1992 年,启动 „集团艺术" 项目。1998 年起推出 „德北艺术" 国际当代艺术大展。他也是多个国际展览项目的策展人和评审团成员。SH 联邦艺术家协会会员。多次在德国及世界其他国家举办展览。作品被许多公共及私人机构收藏。

  1952, in Lübeck, Germany. 1971–1983, studied various industrial and artistic fields while serving in the army. 1983–1984, gallery owner. 1985–1996, curator at Dr Bamberger House and the Jewish Museum Rendsburg, Germany. 1992, started the project Art in the Company. 1998, established the concept of NordArt. Curator and member of the jury of various international exhibition projects. Member of the Federal Association of Artists SH. Numerous exhibitions in Germany and abroad. Works in public and private collections in Germany and abroad.


About the Curator

刘若望 LIU Ruowang




  Internationally renowned artist, he is the founder of Dodo Art Museum (Beijing, Yulin, and Xi’an) and Beijing International Sculpture Park, also the initiator of Yukou International Art Village. Liu Ruowang was born in Yulin, Shaanxi Province, in 1977. In 2005, he won the Central Academy of Fine Arts’s “Glory of the Academy” prize with his sculpture series The East is Red, and began to stand out in China’s art circle. Since then he has built an international reputation with a series of stunning sculptures and paintings. His artworks have been exhibited in Singapore, South Korea, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, the United States, France, and Switzerland, highly appreciated by the international art circle, and people from all countries.

  In particular, his exhibition Wolves Coming organized by the Uffizi Galleries in Florence, Italy. The intimidating pack of wolves shaped by him was exhibited at the Uffizi Galleries and the Piazza della Santissima Annunziata. Liu Ruowang became “the first artist with such an honor since World War II”. He won many international art exhibition prizes, such as the NordArt. Former German politician Angela Merkel, Joachim Gauck, former New Zealand prime minister John Key, the chairman of Ministry of National Defense of South Korea Won Yu-chul, and the deputy prime minister of South Korea Kim Byong-joon have met Liu Ruowang in person and spoke highly of his artworks.


About the Dodo Gallery(Dodo Art Museum)





  Dodo Gallery is an international art gallery founded by the artist Liu Ruowang to promote contemporary art. The gallery is operated and managed by Beijing Dodo Culture Co., Ltd.; it is committed to the Art Changes Our Lives philosophy and focuses on holding international exhibitions of contemporary artworks. While promoting international exchanges in the art circle as our priority it integrates art resources worldwide, and facilitates cross-border cooperation in arts. Dodo Gallery offers solutions for enterprises, agencies, cities, and rural areas to brand value-adding, art empowerment, etc.

  Beijing Dodo Art Museum is a public welfare art museum initiated by the internationally renowned artist Mr. Liu Ruowang. The museum is located in Xiedao Resort in Chaoyang District, Beijing, with an attractive natural landscape in each of the four seasons. The total construction area exceeds 2,000 square meters and holds various function zones, including Liu Ruowang Studio, art exhibition hall, and children's art gallery. The architectural design based on flow experience won the 17th Italy Napoli Cultural Classic.

  The name of the art museum comes from the dodo, the birds endemic to the island of Mauritius. The species went extinct over 300 years ago due to human activities. Liu Ruowang named the art museum “Dodo” with the hope of remembering all extinct species because of human invasion and mass killings and raising awareness to protect nature. Liu Ruowang has been holding his “ecological art” philosophy to express ecological conservation at heart and reflect upon the man-and-nature relationship.

  Dodo Art Museum advocates that art changes our lives and endeavors to integrate art into people’s lives and enable more people to enjoy the charm of art. The museum holds regular art exhibitions with Liu Ruowang’s artworks as the main body and various exchanges of international cultures and arts. Driven by Liu Ruowang’s concern for ecology, the museum holds annual public welfare art exhibitions themed on ecological conservation. Among them, the most eye-catching show is the children’s paintings of environmental protection.


About the

  自 1999 年起每年夏季推出的 “NordArt 国际当代艺术大展”。“NordArt” 的策展人是沃夫冈·戈漠 (Wolfgang Gramm) 和英格·阿古 (Inga Aru)。“NordArt” 的展厅包括 22.000 平米旧皇家铸铁厂改建的室内展厅,80.000 平米雕塑广场及在雕塑广场中的亚科特别展厅。该展览每年会吸引近三千多名来自世界各地的艺术家提交参展申请。展览独特之处是古老厚重的工业文明与当代丰富多元的世界文化通过不同艺术手法得到鲜活地呈现。

  “NordArt” 在丰富个体文化的不同视角下茁壮成长,但也清楚地表明,无论来自何方,人类其实有着很多共同的希望和梦想。“NordArt” 除常规展览框架外,还会推出主宾国馆项目及不同主题的特别展览项目。这些项目将以某一国家特有文化特质或者某一概念为核心,并深入全面地展示这一核心内容。这些特别项目的常规合作伙伴是各国大使馆、文化机构,并由合作伙伴机构推荐国际联合策展人协作完成。

  The centrepiece of this cultural enterprise is NordArt, taking place annually during the summer months since 1999. The curators of NordArt are Wolfgang Gramm and Inga Aru. In addition to the foundry halls with 22,000 square metres of exhibition space, the premises include a sweeping 80,000 square metre sculpture park and the picturesque ACO Wagenremise. Every year, around 3000 artists from all over the world apply to participate in this spectacular endeavour.

  NordArt thrives on the kaleidoscope of perspectives from contrasting cultures but reveals that many hopes and dreams are shared equally by North, East, South and West. With a view of providing deep insight, NordArt highlights the art scene of one specific country each year and presents various special projects in cooperation with embassies, cultural institutions and curators from many different countries.


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